Monday, February 20, 2012

feeling blue...

About 15 years ago, I picked up this ironing board at a yard sale.  It was a bit tired looking back then, so you can imagine what it looked like today!  I decided to help the poor little thing regain some self-respect, so I spray painted it a happy blue.  I am pleased to report that both she and I feel a lot better now about her appearance. Of course, we both know that looks aren't everything.  But we also know that a little color goes a long way toward improving self-image.  Just imagine life without lipstick! (shudder)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

fleece bean bags

So if your cute little 14 month old grandson needs some bean bags, you quickly get to work!  Today I made five 5 inch bean bags in 5 minutes.  OK, it wasn't 5 minutes, but it felt like 5 minutes.  I took my 5" plastic quilting template and cut out 10 squares of fleece with a rotary cutter.  Next I stitched around the outside edges with a 3/8" seam, leaving a small opening.  Then using a funnel, I filled the bags 3/4th's full with some Israeli couscous (from Fresh & Easy).  After stitching the opening closed, I pinked the edges.  Finally I walked around the house calling "heads up" to my kids while tossing a bean bag at them.  They worked perfectly! *wink*

table runner

This table runner took about 15 minutes to sew - no kidding!  All it needs is a 1/2 yard (background) and a 1/3 yard (center) of two coordinating fabrics.  Sew the long ends (width of fabric) into a tube, wrong sides together. Press such that the background fabric wraps around to the front evenly on both sides (for mine it was about 1 1/2 inches on each side).  Fold the short unfinished ends, back sides facing, and stitch seam.  Turn right side out and press the triangle shaped ends to the front.  Sew on a decorative button at the seam ends, and you're done!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentine's day cards

Today I stitched up Valentine's Day cards for my sons.  I chose cardstock colors that matched personalities and scrounged through my scrap bag for happy fabrics.  No lace, no rick rack, no pink (so missing my girls today!)
This easy project idea came from a post I saw a couple of years ago at The Purl Bee.  Using a cutting blade, I removed a heart shape from the folded card front.  Then I glued a piece of fabric inside which covered the cut out.  Finally, on the front I sewed a decorative stitch around the heart. Nobody complained that his was too girly, so mission accomplished!

Monday, February 6, 2012

dipped pretzel rods

Last night, I finally made some pretzel yummies that I'd been intending to make since Christmas!  I melted carmel bits, dipped in the pretzel rods, and let them cool.  Then I rolled the rods in warmed candy melts and immediately sprinkled some of them with "rainbow jimmies".  They taste just as good as Disneyland's version....well, almost!