Friday, April 22, 2011

Hats! Hats! Hats!

Once they arrive and are old enough, it will be fun for my granddaughters to come shopping for a new hat at Grandma's hat shop (name suggestions anyone?). I've gotten a good start already, and there will be even more to choose from as time goes on. I have another hat on needles right now!

(Red pom-pom fetish noted.)


  1. Honestly, Kelli, I could comment on each and every post! Every one is simply adorable and some serious eye candy! The only thing I know how to knit is a wash cloth! haha Some day you need to have a class!

  2. I have offered classes with the Relief Society and have taught the Faith in God girls (as well as a few adults here and there). If you would like, I'd be happy to teach you how to do more! ♥
