Friday, October 26, 2012

whirligig quilt

The Santa Ana's are blowing today....which means I'm sneezing.
But that's not my point.
Now that we have these warm winds stirring things up a little, it's the perfect day to blog about this quilt.  See the pinwheels?  Can you imagine them happily spinning? That's why I chose to have air currents stitched on this quilt .... okay, it's a pattern called wandering spiral, not air currents .... but it looks like air currents, doesn't it?  Maybe I'll name this quilt "Ode to Santa Ana"!
I love the color of red I found for the binding.  It's actually more of a scarlet red color - and a little less bright than it photographed .  So hard to describe but perfect just the same.  The blue fabric is a Kona solid.  The print fabric is Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt (yes, her name appears in my blog once again!) .

FYI:  If you see me post a picture of a rolled quilt, it's a sure sign that it's going to take a trip somewhere....

The pattern is called Intersection by Sweetwater.  And although I do like the quilting design used on the pattern sample, I wanted something denser so that would crinkle a little more after washing.

 Intersection Pattern

If you are a certain someone reading this post, it's now October.  That means a little something is going to be arriving in your mailbox soon.   Perfect timing now that you've had your first snow!


  1. Beautiful quilt, Kelli! I am trying out the Intersections pattern and am beginning to think it is too advanced for a beginner like me. I wondered if you could share any advice. The instructions seem to be very minimal!

  2. I wish I had the pattern so that I could look it over and try to remember anything that might help you! But I borrowed it from a friend and have since returned it. I do remember that my points didn't match-up completely here and there, but I didn't worry about it. Once a project is quilted, most of the time the imperfections fade away. If you have a specific question, I'll borrow the pattern again and see if I can figure out a way to help!

  3. Thanks ever so much for your reply! Specifically, I was surprised that my X-blocks came out smaller than the background blocks. I figure that is the intention of the pattern but I am not sure why. One thing is for sure: I need to practice sewing half- and quarter-square triangles!

    1. This I have learned in my short time as a quilter.... the more you do something the better you get at it. So you've got a good philosophy going for yourself!

  4. You are absolutely right. Although I don't enjoy making mistakes, I sure have learned a lot from them!

  5. I love the aqua background on your quilt!

  6. Thank you, Ashley! Because my interpretation of the pattern was pinwheels, I chose a sky color as the backdrop.
    Happy Sewing ~
