Sunday, March 24, 2013

a birthday quilt

My son turned 27 last weekend. Sad me, I didn't get to see him on his birthday (he lives in the far away state of Utah).  But lucky me, I get to see him tomorrow!  I am driving to Utah to help my daughter and her family move into their new home.  This means I can deliver his birthday quilt to him in person (always the best way!).

The pattern is called Strip Ribbons from GE Designs (a designer from Iceland, of all places!), and the design strips are called Seven Wonders by Parson Gray.  Oddly enough, I bought my strips from And the strips really are straight lines.  They just look a little wavy because I've laid out the quilt on my unruly backyard grass.

The lovely ladies at J'Adore quilting bought the program for the design I specifically wanted for this quilt - Herbology.  I had them drop down the size of the pantograph to fill in the larger "blank" spaces.  They always listen to me and modify perfectly.

The backing is a homespun fabric from my local quilt shop.  I made the twin size quilt, but it looks more like a large lap quilt.  Maybe in Iceland they have small beds because of the need to snuggle to keep warm!

The quilt is funky and modern.  I hope my boy likes it and thinks of how much his mom loves him when he uses it.  Five down, two to go and then all of my children will have a quilt from me.

Later I will post about the lovely new sewing machine my husband bought me yesterday....


  1. I think they do have smaller beds in Iceland - probably the same size as ours. You guys in America have HUGE beds compared to us Europeans!

    1. sorry, pressed send too quickly! The quilt is gorgeous, wonderful masculine design

    2. Thank you for your kind words about the quilt! And I wonder why the bed sizes are so different. We certainly are the same sizes!
