Monday, June 10, 2013

jelly & jam quilt

Sadly, my employer is not well.  I will be working Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to help out in the shop while she recovers.  Because I'm leaving Thursday to spend a few days in Sacramento, I decided I needed to get my latest quilt posted before my next quilts are back from the quilter (pressure!)

This one is for my niece Ana who is currently away at college in Rexburg, Idaho.
A long way from home.
In a wasteland.
In need of comfort!

I think you'd agree that because quilts are a labor of love, they are a perfect way to let people know that you care about them.  And I do love the practicality of them, too.

I'll never forget one day seeing a pick-up truck loaded with furniture with a beautiful vintage quilt being used to wrap one of the items in the bed.  That, my friends, is taking practicality a little too far.  How I wished I would have motioned for the drivers to pull over and had offered them money for it.  I would have taken the dear home and appreciated it like it had probably never been appreciated before.
I reasoned that the people probably would have thought I was a psycho, so I let them travel on.
But I still think about "what if"and dream that someone rescued the gem from her abusive owners.  Where's QPS (Quilt Protective Services) when you need it!

The main fabrics I used came from a fabric roll I had in my stash - Fandango by Kate Spain.  The quilt pattern is a Fig Tree & Co. named Jelly and Jam and made from one jelly roll, sashing fabric, and border fabric.

The backing is a soft homespun.  Perfect cuddling fabric!  I was happy to find it in pink.

As it is 2:40am and I have a b-u-s-y week ahead working and trip preparation (don't forget to sprinkle in bills, laundry, upcoming Father's Day, LIFE), I'd better run for my pillow now!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe I just saw your post!!! What kind of a mother am I? Better yet, I was able to see your beautiful quilt in person. Lucky Ana!!!
