Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two words.....quilt tops!

These are some of the baby quilt tops that I compulsively sewed a few weeks ago (4 others turned into quilts and 2 weren't blog worthy!). They were my "teaching myself how to quilt" quilts. I've learned a lot by just going for it, but do need classes to get a more professional look. Many of the fabrics I already owned (yes, I collect it!) so there wasn't much $$ that had to be spent during the process. These quilt tops are in the "They'll be finished when they have a home" category.


  1. Oh my goodness you are so talented. I keep telling myself I want to make a quilt, but I am way too scared to do it.

    We gave you the versatile blogger award here.

  2. Thank you for my award!! I feel quite humbled and honored! And as far as being scared of quilting....don't do as I did and wait 100 years to get started. Do it now!! It's way too much fun to put off until later. Lots of people quilt (I bet you know somebody!) and I'm sure most would be willing to help you get started. Plus, fabric stores offer beginning quilting classes for a reasonable amount....they want for you to get hooked! I just use my regular sewing machine and it's worked out great. I do recommend starting with baby quilts. They are quick and easy to maneuver. Ready...set....GO!
