Monday, April 1, 2013

cash and carry

Saturday before last my sweet husband took me to a local sewing machine store, Sewing Machines Plus, in San Marcos.
And he brought along some $$.

I had been wanting a new class sewing machine for quite a while.  What that means is that I was looking for a machine that didn't weigh a thousand pounds, would have enough features for any project I wanted to work on during class time, and wouldn't be so expensive that I'd be constantly worried for its welfare when it left the safety of my sewing room.

Introducing Janome 3160 QDC.

Isn't she perfect? (Umm... Do I sound like a mother?).

Anyway.... I have already sewn on the binding for three quilts with her, and she stitches like an obedient child.  (OK, now I know I sound like a mom!)
I have owned a low end Janome for about ten years - mechanical and HEAVY - and because she's in earshot I'll add that she's been such a faithful machine!

But this one is light weight yet not jumpy when you sew, is computerized so I can make more precise adjustments, has PLENTY of stitch options (including my favored blanket stitch), has none of those funky/childish colors that are on so many machines (why?), and even comes with an extension table.  Soooo much better than my old machine, and I can still use all the Janome feet I've purchased over the years.

Class is on Tuesday and I can't wait to introduce her.

Happy me! (And now I sound like a child *wink*)

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