Friday, September 28, 2012

pink buffalo.... check

I had an itch.
Kind of a whim.

And if I were going to act upon it,  I needed to whip up something in an hour or less.  The challenge was on!
When I saw the cover of the first book I chose from my cabinet, I said, "That's it!"
I'd seen that purse a million times and had wanted to make it but had just not committed.  Well, today was the day.  All I needed to do first, was make a size modification.  Done.

Then I gathered these supplies...

  And then these finishing items...

And lickity split, they became this...

Perfect for a three year old's treasures, don't you think?

Because it's for a little girl, I decided it needed a little something fun.  So I tied on various sized and colored ribbons and sewed a little bell (from a button card) to the knot.
I love how it tinkles so very sweetly as you walk with it